Monster Cards 18
3 Mezuki
2 Plaguespreader Zombie
2 Goblin Zombie
2 Zombie Master
1 Blue-Blooded Oni
3 Destiny Hero - Malicious
2 Summoner Monk
2 Dark Grepher
1 Dark Armed Dragon
Spell Cards 13
3 Zombie World
3 Zombie World
2 Forbidden Lance
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Dark Hole
1 Book of Moon
1 Allure of Darkness
1 Reinforcement of the Army
1 Foolish Burial
1 Burial from a Different Dimension
Trap Cards 9
3 Fiendish Chain
2 Call Of The Haunted
1 Compulsory Evacuation Device
1 Solemn Warning
1 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Torrential Tribute
Extra Deck 15
1 Beelze, King of Dark Dragons
1 Void Ogre Dragon
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Vulcan the Divine
1 Doomkaiser Dragon
1 Doomkaiser Dragon
3 Lavalval Chain
1 Number 66: Master Key Beetle
1 Evilswarm Exciton Knight
1 Daigusto Emeral
1 Diamond Dire Wolf
1 Gagaga Cowboy
1 Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
Its a new format, and yet again Zombies get another boost. Last format they gained from 1 "Plaguespreader Zombie" and 1 "Mezuki" to both of them at 2. People questioned this and thought that Zombies could really become a deck again, and possibly top some events. But they didn't, nor did many try to as Dragon Rulers held down the meta.
"Zombie Master" is a brilliant card which can set up a lot of plays. A lot of the time you will summon it with "Mezuki" and then just spam off your plays by summoning your tuner or lv4 and do a lot of plays.
"Blue-Blooded Oni" is my final Zombie, who can take advantage of Xyz to Summon out even more. I only run 1 as its already easily searchable, and also easily milled to the deck. I also only need it in certain situations so drawing too many of it would dead draw.
An otk it can pulls off is a loop with "Lavalval Chain" and "Mezuki" where you would summon "Lavalval Chain" mill "Mezuki" which would summon out "Blue-Blooded Oni", you would use its effect to get another lv4, summon "Lavalval Chain" and repeat until you have about 2 "Lavalval Chain" and possibly another Rank 4. But pulling off a combo like this means you're opponents backrow is clear and you are sure you can kill them, as wasting out your resourses and then losing to a "Mirror Force", or a next turn "Dark Hole", could really kill your deck and you wouldn't be able to come back.
Finally the whole deck isn't all Zombie based. With the new PP16 Set a new Synchro is coming out which really interested me. And it is "Beelze, King of Dark Dragons". My first thought was "Destiny HERO - Malicious". So now a powerful combo was to summon out "Destiny HERO - Malicious" and "Plaguespreader Zombie" and be able to summon out many powerful Synchros such as "Beelze, King of Dark Dragons" or even "Void Ogre Dragon" which is really good in this deck as its easy to use up your monsters in your hand for many plays and be able to set the rest of your Spell/Traps to be able to easily set off its effect.
I needed an easy way to mill "Destiny HERO - Malicious" though. I had the idea to main "Destiny Draw" but it would of resulted me in using other Destiny HERO monsters which wouldn't really support the deck.Instead I used "Dark Grepher". It can mill me most of my cards that I need in my grave.
2 "Summoner Monk" and "Reinforcement of the Army" is my main way of Searching it and with "Summoner Monk" I can do some turn 1 Xyz shenanigans such a "Lavalval Chain" play to top deck me the card I need next turn.
"Zombie World" wasn't used before, but now that a lot of top decks are focusing on type support, such as Bujins, Geargia and Fire Fists. "Zombie Worlds" other effect means your opponent can't Tribute Summon meaning it can stop decks such as Monarchs. Because now every monster in either player's graveyard is a Zombie-Type I can now use "Zombie Master" and "Doomkaiser Dragon" to summon out monsters from my opponents graveyard!
My deck uses 2 "Forbidden Lance" which is a powerful card at the moment. It will be able to protect my Beaters from cards such as "Fiendish Chain" and "Mirror Force". There are many other spells and traps that this card protects my monsters from. Not only that the 800 ATK deduction effect can also be used to run over my opponents monsters.
The deck uses 3 "Fiendish Chain" which is like the equivalent to "Forbidden Lance" except it stops monster effects, and stops them from attacking. This means I can protect my beaters from their bigger beaters, and also stop powerful effects, which could easily turn the duel around. Being a continuous means I can re use it with "Vulcan the Divine"
Overall I feel the deck may be a bit slow, you can go for plays straight away but that would put you to a disadvantage, so playing out the deck a bit slower this format would be better. The deck is slightly faster, with 3 "Mezuki", and has a better chance with Dragon Rulers gone.
But I would love to see more people to try Zombies deck, and even try out this deck.
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