Monday, March 3, 2014

Budget Deck #4 - Sanctuary Agents [January 2014 TCG]

Monster Cards 25
3 Master Hyperion
3 Archlord Kristya
3 The Agent of Mystery - Earth
3 The Agent of Creation - Venus
3 The Agent of Miracles - Jupiter
3 Mystical Shine Ball
3 Zeradias, Herald of Heaven
3 Herald of Orange Light
1 Honest

Spell Cards 8
3 The Sanctuary in the Sky
3 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Dark Hole 
1 Book of Moon

Trap Cards 7
3 Divine Punishment
1 Torrential Tribute
1 Solemn Warning
1 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Compulsory Evacuation Device

Extra Deck ?
2-3 Gachi Gachi Ganetsu
? Rank 2's
? Rank 3's
? Level 4-9 Synchros

My next budget deck is focused on a structure deck "Lost Sanctuary", with also a few other cards which are mainly cheap including "Archlord Kristya", "Herald of Orange Light" and "Gachi Gachi Ganetsu" being the main ones. The deck would also need some other generic spells and traps such as "Mystical Space Typhoon", "Dark Hole", "Book of Moon", "Solemn Warning", etc. If you have more costly staples such as "Pot of Duality", "Fiendish Chain" etc, you may include them.
The extra deck is also generic and "Gachi Gachi Ganetsu" is really the only must, the extra deck should mainly be varied between Rank 2s, 3s and 4s and Level 5 and 6 Synchros.

The decks main card is "The Sanctuary in the Sky", and not because of its effect but because it gives your Agent monsters a second effect. Now "The Agent of Mystery - Earth" will let you search "Master Hyperion" from your deck and "The Agent of Miracles - Jupiter" will let you special summon your banished Fairy-type monsters. You now also get to use "Divine Punishment" which stops anything at the cost of having "The Sanctuary in the Sky" on field.
Another good thing about it is "Zeradias, Herald of Heaven" can discard itself to search it which fills the graveyard with Fairy-type monsters which will be useful for your future plays.


The deck has many interesting plays such as going into "The Agent of Creation - Venus", getting 2-3 "Mystical Shine Ball" and going into "Gachi Gachi Ganetsu" which can be an annoying field to get rid of backed up with cards such as "Divine Punishment". The deck runs enough tuners to also make synchro plays, as the deck runs 6 tuners "The Agent of Mystery - Earth" and "Herald of Orange Light". "Herald of Orange Light" itself is a themed "Effect Veiler" which destroys and also set ups your graveyard with Fairy-type monsters, usually you will discard something like a dead "Mystical Shine Ball" in hand or one of your Agents. The deck is Light so it can run "Honest" which is amazing in any Light deck.

The deck mains 6 boss monsters. 3 Master Hyperion and 3 Archlord Kristya. Master Hyperion is searchable and easily summoned who then gets to clear the field which will let you finish off your opponent while also being able to be Special Summoned from "The Agent of Miracles - Jupiter". "Archlord Kristya" is easily summoned as you have very good graveyard control and its effect lets your re use cards such as "Herald of Orange Light", its effect is also very good against the meta and can shut down a lot of decks.


The deck is very fun and can be competitive enough to win against higher tier decks. 

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