Monster Cards 19
3 Morphtronic Celfon
3 Morphtronic Radion
3 Morphtronic Staplen
3 Morphtronic Remoten
3 Morpthronic Scopen
2 Morphtronic Lantron
1 Morphtronic Boarden
1 Genex Ally Birdman
1 Genex Ally Birdman
Spell Cards 15
3 Junk Box
3 Morphtronic Map
3 Mystical Space Typhoon
2 Machine Duplication
2 Forbidden Lance
1 Dark Hole
1 One for One
Traps 6
3 Threatening Roar
1 Compulsory Evacuation Device
1 Torrential Tribute
1 Solemn Warning
Extra Deck 15
1 Formula Synchron
1 Armory Arm
1 Ally of Justice Catastor
1 T.G. Hyper Librarian
1 Vulcan the Divine
1 Ancient Sacred Wyvern
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Ancient Fairy Dragon
1 Scrap Dragon
1 Stardust Spark Dragon
1 Leviair, the Sea Dragon
1 Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1 Daigusto Emeral
1 Gagaga Cowboy
Morphtronic monsters have low ATK, and DEF and their effects focus on their battle position. While this could be a bad thing, this does mean every Morphtronic will have 2 different effects to use. Morphtronics have been known as a weak and slow deck which all it can do is use Equips and OTKs. Well they are wrong. Morphtronics are able to summon multiple monsters a turn and be able to spam out Synchros. Some of their plays do depend on luck sometimes because of "Morphtronic Celfon", which depends not only only the dice roll, but also having enough Morphtronics in the deck. We make sure his effect goes off by using a total of 17 Morphtronic monsters in the deck.
So now I shall explain to you my card choices, and how they work in the deck and the different combos they can make.
"Morphtronic Celfon" is the heart of the deck, it pretty much made the deck usable. This card does depends on luck, and it also means you have to use a high monster count. Mostly its effect will go off but there will be times where you won't and well it might mean you won't be able to make your big play this turn. But if you do, you pretty much get a free monster at no cost from where you can go and make Synchro plays. The best thing about this card is that its a Machine-Type with 100 ATK, so you can use "Machine Duplication" which means you can summon 2 more of it from your deck. A combo like this does mean you will be able to use his effect 3 times in one turn, which can result it many Synchros.
"Morphtronic Radion" is one of the level 4 Morphtronics of the deck, which the deck needs for Synchros and also for rank 4's. This card not only gives itself an ATK boost but also gives all of your other Morphtronics on the field 800 ATK. Meaning your Morphtronic monsters will be able to run over more monsters and possibly poke for game. Its defense boost also means it can't be run over by most lv4 monsters including "Thunder King Rai-Oh", which can be a problem for the deck, so you can stall it out until you get the cards you need.
"Morphtronic Staplen" is the other level 4 monster of the deck. It is one of the few Morphtronics which have a both Attack Position and Defense Position effect which are good. This card is one of the most recent out of all the Morphtronics and when it came out it replaced "Morphtronic Boomboxen". While in Attack Mode it can cause a lock with itself, and also with "Morphtronic Radion" it will have a whooping 2200 ATK.
Its also a good staller, by setting him, when your opponents monster attacks him, he will flip be unable to be destroyed, and you will also be able to change your opponents monster which just attacked it to defense position!
"Morphtronic Scopen" is mostly an instant Level 7, including the decks most powerful Synchro "Ancient Sacred Wyvern". While in defense mode its level becomes 4, so if you summon it with "Morphtronic Celfon", and there is nothing else you can do, going into that Level 5 Synchro is a good choice.
"Morphtronic Lantron", wait what is this cards effect? Oh well all I know is that it is a Level 1 Tuner, meaning it gives your more Synchro options including "Formula Synchron". Tho its Defense Position effect is alright as it can prevent damage for the rest of the turn when destroyed, you won't be really needing it unless you are losing and its your only way to survive another turn.
"Morphtronic Boarden" our last Morphtronic, which is used at 1. Which is because we don't run him because of his effect, but mainly because he is our only Level 3 Morphtronic monster who isn't a Tuner. While its effect isn't great for the deck, there are times where I may need to poke the opponent, where it could even win me the game.
"Genex Ally Birdman", our last monster, and our only non "Morphtronic" monster. It can make many interesting plays such as after you used "Morphtronic Celfon", you can return it to hand to use on your next turn. Or with our themed Spells, to return the Morphtronic monster which was just summoned from your graveyard. There are many combos this card could do.
"Junk Box", our themed "Monster Reborn". Its summons every Morphtronic monster from our graveyard, and only at the cost of it being destroyed at the end of the turn, which won't matter because if you are going to use it, you must be able to Synchro Summon or Xyz Summon with the monster.
"Machine Duplication" works well with "Morphtronic Celfon" and "Morphtronic Remoten" which end up in many summons.
"Mystical Space Typhoon" gets rid of backrow so you can pull of your summons.
"Forbidden Lance" stops almost every Spell/Trap which would get rid of your big Synchros.
"One for One" summons your best monster, and also at times can grab you that level 1 tuner if you need it.
"Dark Hole", Staple. Clears the field when you need to.
"Threatening Roar" in case your opponent stops your plays with cards such as "Effect Veiler", you can protect your stuff for next turn. Is also good to prevents otks and such.
"Compulsory Evacuation Device", "Torrential Tribute", "Solemn Warning", all staple traps which stop most monsters.
The extra deck uses a variety of Synchros with many different levels. The decks best synchro is "Ancient Sacred Wyvern" is easily summonable in the deck and its able to win games all on its own. The deck also has a few Xyz too choose from including "Daigusto Emeral" which is mostly used to re use your Synchros.

The extra deck uses a variety of Synchros with many different levels. The decks best synchro is "Ancient Sacred Wyvern" is easily summonable in the deck and its able to win games all on its own. The deck also has a few Xyz too choose from including "Daigusto Emeral" which is mostly used to re use your Synchros.
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