Saturday, March 29, 2014

4 Axis Traptrix Fire Fist [April 2014 TCG/OCG]

Monster Cards 13
3 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear
1 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Gorilla
1 Coach Soldier Wolfbark
3 Traptrix Myrmeleo
2 Traptrix Dionaea
1 Thunder King Rai-Oh
2 Maxx "C"

Spell Cards 17
3 Fire Formation - Tenki
3 Mystical Space Typhoon
3 Upstart Goblin
3 Pot of Duality
2 Fire Formation - Tensu
2 Forbidden Lance
1 Dark Hole

Trap Cards 10
3 Breakthrough Skill
2 Call of the Haunted
1 Solemn Warning
1 Torrential Tribute
1 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Trap Hole
1 Traptrix Trap Hole Nightmare

Extra Deck 15
2 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Tiger King
2 Number 101: Silent Honor ARK
1 Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Cardinal
1 Abyss Dweller
1 Bujintei Kagutsuchi
1 Daigusto Emeral
1 Diamond Dire Wolf
1 Eviswarm Exciton Knight
1 Gagaga Cowboy
1 Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
1 Number 106: Giant Hand
1 Number 50: Blackship of Corn
1 Number 85: Crazy Box

The deck got a pretty big hit during the April 2014 Banlist after it lost 2 "Coach Soldier Wolfbark" which was one of they main win conditions as it was searchable and a 1 card Xyz. The current 4 Axis deck can't do as much grinding so I have decided to use a new card from the PRIO set and make it into an engine, the Traptrix engine which combined with the Fire Fist 4 Axis engine, the deck still gives me instant rank 1 Xyzs' and a lot of popping, Front row from "Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear" and backrow from "Traptrix Myrmeleo".

CoachSoldierWolfbark-JOTL-EN-ScR-1ESo the first reason I started looking into this deck even though it lost 2 "Coach Soldier Wolfbark" was that the deck can still do the usual popping loop with 3 "Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear" and 3 "Fire Formation - Tenki". Which already gives the deck an easy out to monsters while gaining advantage. Sometimes it can't get over all of the monsters as some can't be destroyed by "Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Bear", as a result of this "Breakthrough Skill" can be used twice, including during my turn from my graveyard to stop effects like these. Also with the release of the new deck Artifacts, its another reason to run this card.
"Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Gorilla" is standard who can get rid of backrow when needed as its easily searchable.

Our next part of the deck is the Traptrix Engine. "Traptrix Myrmeleo" is our first card. Its first effect is that when its normal summoned it searches for any "Trap Hole" card from our deck, and the deck has 3 different targets for variety including "Bottomless Trap Hole" which currently is one of the best traps in the game. In most decks this is the only effect that a deck will use but here its second effect comes into a lot of use where when its Special Summoned it gets to destroy a Spell or Trap card your opponent controls. There are 2 ways to do this consistently, "Call of the Haunted" or our second Traptrix card, "Traptrix Dionaea". "Traptrix Dionaea" is our main reason for this engine, it adds what "Coach Soldier Wolfbark" added to the deck, a 1 card Xyz. Not only that but when "Traptrix Dionaea" is Special Summoned it lets use grab back a "Trap Hole" card from our graveyard and set it until your opponents End Phase where the card wouldn't nothing otherwise and now it can shut down your opponent for a turn.


Our other monster is "Thunder King Rai-Oh" who is purely a strong beatstick which is great against most decks in the upcoming format being able to stop searchers and also stop special summons, including the more important Xyz summons. "Maxx "C"" is our other choice over "Effect Veiler" mainly because of Artifacts who only get special summoned during your turn meaning "Effect Veiler" is useless against them. "Maxx C" will either provide you with enough card advantage to win from there on or stop your opponents play completely during their turn, its also a good turn 1 play when your opponent goes first to stop powerful plays from decks such as Madolche.

The deck is very consistent too. It has a lot of searching and draw power. 3 "Upstart Goblin" means its a 37 card deck. "Fire Formation - Tenki" and "Pot of Duality" gives the deck enough search power to grab our most important cards which will let us out advantage our opponents and win the duel. The deck has enough Normal Summons which means it won't conflict with "Pot of Duality" restriction as much.

BreakthroughSkill-BP02-EN-C-1EThe deck has even more backrow hate including the standard 3 "Mystical Space Typhoon". "Fire Formation - Tensu" takes away the problem with the too many normal summons in the deck so now I can open with a Fire Fist and Traptrix monster in 1 turn, "Forbidden Lance" to protect your monsters from most traps so that you can start your combos and popping going, and the 800 ATK reduction effect also can sometimes be used to let your monsters run over other monsters. Lastly we use "Dark Hole"  is a good standard card and an easy way to clear your opponents field and gain more advantage over them.

Our traps have been mentioned before already, "Breakthrough Skill" instead of "Fiendish Chain" mainly because of Artifacts and how "Breakthrough Skill" can be used twice. "Call of the Haunted" lets us pop backrow with "Traptrix Myrmeleo" and can bring back "Coach Soldier Wolfbark" who gives us a free rank 4, including our more important Beast-Warrior restricted Xyz monsters. We then have our Trap Hole trap cards, including "Bottomless Trap Hole" which usually is great against most decks and a variety of "Trap Hole" and "Traptrix Trap Hole Nightmare" so you can search for whichever you need against specific matchups, "Trap Hole" is against decks that rely on normal summons a bit more such as Fire Fist while "Traptrix Trap Hole Nightmare" stops decks that rely on special summoning.
Note: You should also side some Trap Hole traps aswell such as "Chaos Trap Hole" and "Void Trap Hole"

Our extra deck only ever summons rank 4s so it only includes rank 4s. Some notable ones are "Number 50: Blackship of Corn" who instead of destroying monsters lets us send them to the graveyard which can bypass monsters restrictions. "Number 85: Crazy Box" in case of  "Skill Drain" which can shut down the deck completely so at least you can have a 3000 ATK beater to fight with. "Number 106: Giant Hand" is an Xyz only to be used online unless you're lucky enough to own 1 irl, this card is really great as its a walking "Effect Veiler" from how many times I have used it, it has been amazing. The rest of the extra deck is pretty generic for any 4 Axis Fire Fist deck and these will mostly be your win condition or else you will win by poking with your main deck monsters.

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