Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Forbidden Thoughts - Newly Limited

In this part of my four part "Forbidden Thoughts" series, I will discuss my opinion on the newly Limited cards.  I'd like to take this opportunity to note that a lot of these cards a mystery to me so my thoughts will be likely wrong.

First on the docket is Atlantean Dragoons.  This is for sure one of the cards that I don't know much about.  From the looks of it though it will gain it's effect from all the Mermail monsters that will discard it so this is a move to hurt their consistency.

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Spirit is an important piece of 3-axis,
the level 3 centric Fire Fist build which has been very successful in the OCG.    Limiting it slow their ability to make Rank 3s or level 6 Synchros without removing it entirely.

Deep Sea Diva is the WATER Tour Guide from Hell.  It has always been a strong card, making quick Level 5 Synchros (or Level 4 I suppose).  With the advent of Xyz, it became even stronger allowing a 1 card Gachi Gachi.  Finally Atlanteans were the last straw turning Diva into a single card Trishula.  At 1, it can still be devastating but perhaps less often.

A card that is in a weird place on the banlist for TCG players is Genex Ally Birdman.  He is here because of this:

Rescue Rabbit has shown time and time again how strong an instant Rank 4 can be. Even at two it was consistent enough to be a huge threat.  Finally at one I think this card will be too inconsistent to build a deck around.

This forbidden list seems to push Blackwings and so it's no wonder that Thunder King Rai-Oh has been moved to 1.  He is an incredibly strong first time play and while I will be sad to lose a copy of him, it is a very understandable play.  Konami wants Xyzs and Synchros to be important and Thunder King Rai-Oh stops that.

Returning to cards I don't know much about, there is Evigishki Mind Angus.  This card I believe enabled loops in Gishkis and could be overlaid with a copy of itself for a Rank 6.  Hitting loops is always good with me so I have no issue with this.

Dweloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier is the first card I'm really not sure why it was hit.  It does loop I believe so that's probably why it was hit.

Constellar Ptolmey M7 allowed Constellar players to use up the materials of their Xyz and then to overlay them into a new Xyz that is even stronger.  At one, this play will be much more limited.

Dimensional Fissure and Macro Cosmos created a very unfair game to players who relied on the Graveyard.  Against Dark Worlds, this card shut down the entire deck until they god an MST.  Unfortunately this hit hurts D.D. decks greatly.

Gold Sarcophagus is probably an unwarranted hit.  It saw a lot of play in Dragon Rulers because it let a player instantly add a baby Dragon to their hand while removing a king Dragon.  With the Baby Dragons gone this card would likely not see much play.

Some hits hurt me personally and Royal Tribute is one of those. I love playing Gravekeeper's so this hit makes me sad, but at the same time I really understand it.  Royal Tribute is devastating when used first turn and doesn't reward good play, just punishes people for having Monster cards.

This format, Bottomless Trap Hole and Compulsory Evacuation Device
have shined.  With the loss of the ability to call priority on a Summon to activate an ignition affect, these two cards are able to act as effective negation of summons.  Compulsory was able to return Xyz to extra decks (or Synchros) making it as if the monster hadn't even been summoned.  This is an extremely reasonable hit in light of this.

Eradicator Epidemic Virus is a card that was balanced when first released but with time it's balance is lost.  We have reached the tipping point where DARK monsters with high attack are too easy to summon that this card becomes an issue.  In particular, Dark Worlds can employ this card at next to no loss while giving them huge advantage.  This is a well deserved hit at this point in time.

Soul Drain is a card that shuts down some decks so completely that it needs to go, but at the same time it was such a great side deck card.

Torrential Tribute was put at two for an experiment and it was not very great.  Torrential stops swarm decks dead in their tracks which some people like, but it is a large advantage for such a small reward.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.  I'll continue with the newly Semi-Limited cards next time.  See you later!


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